This annual Core Group Christmas contest promotion was sent out to clients and potential clients. The contest changed every year but was always a fun and playful holiday theme. The object of the contest was for the participants to guess which celebrity was retouched into the image and if they guessed correctly they would receive a prize. The contest was a collaborative effort of the Core Group team, art directors, management, retouchers, and illustrators. The contest was sent out as an email blast close to the holidays, it consisted of multiple parts; a teaser, the contest challenge, a reminder, clues, details, rules, the contest webpage, the contest answers, the winners notification, and a holiday card with the prizes. This promotion gained notoriety over the years with clients and always had a great response from participants. Three of the five contests are shown below.
asian pacific awards
This art was created for the Asian Pacific Business Awards. Under a tight deadline the final vector art was a unique design created and composited with original illustration and the use of stock vector art. Prior concept options are below.
Rough Concept Sketch #1
Provided to client as possible illustration option, depicting machinery working together and the important dichotomy of the creative and analytical forces that contribute to business success. The various collection of source imagery was uniformly put together in Photoshop for this comp.
Concept Sketch #2
The line and color comp above was provided to the client as possible illustration option. The client wanted the art to focus on business themed words in the various Asian languages, and a few in English. The neon sign theme was a more modern take on the "Lightbulb" theme they have used in the past to represent innovation and bright ideas. The various collection of source imagery was uniformly put together in Photoshop for this comp.
Concept Sketch #3
The comp above was provided to the client as the final illustration option. The neon sign theme was a fun and modern take on the "Lightbulb" theme used in the past, representing innovation and bright ideas. The signs are connected to subtly represent the connectivity in business, with a focus on English and Asian business themed words. The various collection of source imagery was uniformly put together in Photoshop for this comp and later put together in Illustrator.
Final Vector Art
The final illustration above was composited together in Adobe Illustrator with both original and stock vector art.
Click on the image above to magnify portions of the illustration for a more detailed view.